Movement Diagrams

I come from a very artistic background, and enjoy the challenge of being “original.” So when we were asked to use our creative abilities to decorate a blank model, I was very excited. After picking a view from a previous project, we took the images into Photoshop to make them livelier. When I sat down to think of a theme for my piece, I took particular interest in the glass curtain wall that dominates the view. I immediately knew that the view outside was going to be important. I then thought of a national park hotel. Back home, we did not have cable TV, but we did have the PBS channel. There were always specials on the various national parks and they occasionally featured the historical hotels in the wilderness. My father and I would sit there together wishing that one day we could travel to one of these hotels. I took the inspiration of a wilderness hotel and incorporated it as my theme. I worked with various wood textures and cabin style furniture. The image features the stunning view out onto a mountain valley and a family/gathering space in the foreground. There is also a balcony with a guest looking out over the scenery, iconic of what I believe the wilderness hotel should have. There are also chairs and a tower binocular for people to stay inside and enjoy the views.

Once satisfied with the Photoshop rendition, I stylized the piece by making it appear as a watercolor. I like this effect because it gives it a warmer, home feeling. That is what I expect to feel when I one day visit one of these sites.

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