Come at Me Bro!

Having the chance to see something that I designed on the computer unfold itself- literally right before my eyes- was very exciting for me. I distinctly remember seeing similar programs on a PBS special on 3D design a few years ago- when my interest in architecture was just beginning to blossom. I always thought it would be awesome to actually do it. Well, now I can say I have. I knew from the beginning that I was going to challenge myself with this really cool software, and in the process was going to design a really cool hat. The idea of designing a samurai hat was more or less random, but I killed the idea because it provided the opportunity to really explore these programs. Plus, a samurai helmet is pretty intimidating and cool in itself. The end product, I feel, did turn out pretty well. Working with the chipboard just proved to be very time consuming. I also learned that it is DEFINITELY not worth adding tabs to the Pepakura template. I ended up cutting off every single one. Lesson learned. I look forward to using the skills learned in this assignment on future projects. I believe they will greatly increase the quality of my work.

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