Hat Rack

As seen in my last post, my hat was designed to be an ancient samurai warrior helmet. When we were then asked to design and build a hat rack, specific to our individual hats, I knew immediately that I wanted to build a sword rack. After looking at images of traditional sword racks on the internet, I got a few really cool ideas to work with. I then researched ancient Japanese woodworking to find traditional wood motifs unique to the Japanese art style. The result is what you see in the post above. The very “bumpy” or “curvy” feet are traditional motifs I saw in Japanese end table feet, and the boxy top is meant to resemble Japanese temple woodworking. There is space on my rack to hold two swords and my helmet in between. I also decided to have a little fun and add an engraving onto one of the feet. The inscription says “honor” in Japanese. In the end, I really enjoyed this project and the ability to gain experience with the CNC router technology.

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